Inspirational quotes…

“The food you eat can either be the safest most powerful source of medicine or the slowest form of poison”

Ann Wigmore – author of numerous health books including ‘Recipes for a Longer Life’

I once came across the quote written by Ann Wigmore and it had such a profound impact on my mindset whit it comes to food and the way I choose to fuel and nourish my body that it has stuck with me for goo.


Can you imaging a world where good quality real food ingredients were prescribed for treatment of everyday ailments as routinely as our common pain relief medications and anti-inflammatories? Can you imagine looking at our food labels like we do our medication fact sheet before we take then to see what the potential side effects of these foods have on our system? Ponder that thought for a moment….profound right?

So just go a little further with this thought. Combine the wisdom of Ann Wigmore and the advice given by another famous female in history ‘Mary Poppins’ who suggested a ‘spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down’ and we have arrived at the concept of ‘whole food sweet treats’.

Why not make your ‘medicine’ an enjoyable, nourishing experience. Makes perfect sense to me.


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